Thursday, March 27, 2008

Making a bonehead play

Loss: $18

I should be $7 down but I made a really silly move today because I was tilting ever so slighty due to being card dead and a couple of small coolers (flopped straight getting hit with a runner runner boat).

I had KJ and limped in to a three-way pot. Flop came JK9 and for some reason I shoved into a guy who had raised my flop bet. Of course he called and snapped me off with 99. I have no complaints about the hand. It wasn't a setup, I just played it very badly and did what's called a zero play. I was only going to get called by anything that beats me so I should have 3bet him on flop and fold to his shove. That error cost me a full stack. As Mannering said, "Stupid boy."

About an hour later I did the exact same thing on a min-raised preflop pot which came 23Q and I had AQ. I bet, he raised and I shoved. Fortunately he folded saying he had JJ so I got away from it that time.

It's not all doom and gloom. I was $30 down at one point so I did recover. No real complaints about anything really. I've not been on the heater the last couple of days but there's no excuse for some moves I've made. Just all part of the learning process I guess.

Bankroll back below $1k. Could be like this for a few more posts I reckon. Over it, under it, over it.

1 comment:

Amatay said...

jeeez you are tough on yourself m8. Nothing wrong with the kj on a kj9 board. I go broke there at your limits everytime. Play higher anyways, i dare you. NL $50 mate, gambooooooool. gl