Sunday, January 20, 2008

Doomswitch activated?

Loss: $18

I've heard this term used before for when poker sites decide that it's time to rob you of all your winnings and your confidence and I feel as though I've had a dose of it this week.

I had three huge sessions this week of about 800 hands each (usually I play about 400) and in all those sessions I've started with big losses and then recovered brilliantly to be level for the session.

In particular on Wednesday night I had a torrid time but was sure and determined that if I kept my head I would finish level for the session. I waited and I waited and I waited and I finally got the hands and situations to get level. Brilliant, I thought, a real boost to my confidence.

Figuring ipoker (where I've been playing exclusively for a few weeks) was drying up on me I tried one, just one, room on Full Tilt. On the very first hand I had to make a big laydown with kings after investing half my stack. Then I flopped a set with 22. I got a call from my bet and the guy shoves all in for his whole stack on a board of 23Q6 with three spades. I work things out in my head. QQ makes no sense, 66 is unlikely (why would he just call the flop?), spade flush is surely impossible (why shove?). The only hand I can think he might have is 33, which still doesn't make any sense. I call and he shows JJ. Awesome call, fourth spade on river, he has a spade.

So within 10 hands on Full Tilt I'm $15 down for the session. I continue playing and get absolutely nothing (I'm playing on ipoker at the same time), not connecting with any flop. But I say to myself, I know I'll recover because I'm good enough to do that.

I get KK all in against JJ and stack someone. Then someone slowplays their JJ on a J high board when I have QQ and turn a Q. Here we are, the patience is paying off yet again. I'll catch these players given time.

Then I get AQ and the flop comes AQJ. I'm raised on the flop and I repop him. He repops me all in. Maybe, just maybe, if I wasn't $9 down for the session at this point I might (just might) find a way to fold this hand. But I call and he has K10. It's a cooler hand, I'm not complaining about that. It's just come at the worst possible moment. It's an awful bad beat in terms of the week/session situation. I've had a rough week in which little has gone right. I've had to work hard just to stay near even. I'm on the verge of pulling things level yet again and I've worked hard and waited ages to find the right spots and then I'm nailed by this hand which takes away all I've worked hard for to counteract the misery that has gone before it. I quit straight after recording a loss of $25 on the day.

I shouldn't be thinking like this. I'm still $100 up for the month and I feel I've been playing pretty well. Especially in terms of patience because the sessions have been so boring.

Ahhh, this is a bit of a cheesed off post. Just annoyed and worried about having another session like this.

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