Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bloggerment 43

Loss: $5.50

I think I gave a good account of myself in defending the bloggerment title, but I'm gutted to have finished 5th - top three got paid.

The early running went ok with Matty H UK tilting off the rest of his stack to me and I made a couple more early hands.

But for the next hour or so I was all over the place on the leader board. I busted another player for about 2,000 chips when I called his all in with A2, he had 66 and I got my ace (lucky boy) and then promptly gave it back to someone else on the very next hand when I shoved a reraise with 88. He had QQ. In a similar situation I called someone's all in with AQ when they had JJ. And just as we started the final table I pushed with AK and rivered a JJ hand.

We got five-handed with four of us on roughly 4k and a massive stack with 12k. In went ultra tight and I went ultra card dead. I had one had 77 which I might have pushed a reraise with but I was sure I would find a better spot. Another 20 minutes went by with nothing and I eventually went with a Q 10 raise on the button. Sadly I had the massive stack in the BB and he reraised. With 1,7oo and the blinds at 200/400 I felt I had to go with it. Unfortunately he had AQ and I didn't suck out.

I'm truly gutted because I had a chance to cash. If I hadn't have been so liberal with some silly calls/pushes earlier on I might have had an extra 3/4k which would have helped a tremendous amount during the five-handed bit.

Even so, I set out to make the final table and I did that.

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