Sunday, May 20, 2007

Quick turnaround from the crap. Thanks.

Profit: $54

I can't remember the last time I made a bad call and sucked out on someone so it was pleasing to see my cowboys crack the rockets on the river when the money went in preflop. All right, it wasn't pleasing, I had a chance to fold, but it's nice to see that sort of variance be on my side.

After that I went on a complete tear and got loads of good hands. My strategy of going all in pre-flop with is still working exceptionally well. I've been called by AQ, QQ and KK in the past couple of sessions. Since using poker tracker I've had AA 41 times and won with the hand 97.56%, 40 times. The only time I've lost with it was when I raised before the flop instead of going all in and some guy flopped trips.

Last night I was playing in a room with a big time maniac. He bullied the table for about 20 minutes and doubled his stack. Then this hand came up:

I went into the tank for as long as I could and decided to call. He'd been raising every single hand preflop and betting aggressively after the flop. It could have easily have gone tits up if he had a Jack in his hand. But the hand worked out ok.

Later on I had this hand against him.

Nice little Royal flush there. I was kicking myself after as I should have stuck him all in but I wanted to get value from the hand. It didn't matter in the end because I turned another nut flush later on to get what he had left.

It wasn't all awesome hands though. I did make a great laydown with this one against the same player.

All right, so if I'd held out to the river I would have won the hand. But any bet on the turn would have forced me to fold my hand and not see the queen on the river. I folded an overpair against a maniac with only two outs, that pleased me a lot.

Feeling confident I stepped into a $25. After four hands I got KK, raised 4x preflop and was reraised all in by someone who had already shown themselves to be wild. I called, he showed QQ and my KK held up.

Just one more thing. A big up to Nick who played on my sit and go account without asking me and busted out on the very first hand with A9. That boy is a genuis. I'm sure he'll argue that he couldn't get away from his full-house, I'll just argue that he's an idiot and say thanks for a costly birthday present.

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