Friday, February 15, 2008

Raise the River Podcast: Episode 1

Loss: $12

I've played virtually no poker in the last week. I had a quick session on Bodog and found very little traction again (badbeats causing the small loss) and then I played in the $5 Bloggerment on Sunday and go no cards - finished 9th.

This will has all been about producing a podcast for Raise the River. It's a UK poker forum that I hang out at and, after support from the pilot editions that you can find in my previous post, I decided to create a 90 minute podcast.

For all the info check out the thread, or dowload it from the link on my sidebar.

Comments very welcome.

1 comment:

Kirby the German Roofer said...

Felix, just incase your mate Mick dont inform you and youy unexpedly have the police ramming your backdoor in (again) Ill paste it to you aswell.

MusicSheriff Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
February 24th, 2008 at 8:30 pm
Mick first of all, HOW GAY DO YOU SOUND?!! Credit where its due mind, cracking little Dale Winton laugh you got going.

Secondly you and YMCAFelix the fruit loop have bee reported to for copyright infringement. I have forwarded them a copy of the podcast at the centre of this allegation and they have informed me they will be looking into it.

P.S Why dont you work as a tacher after you did your teacher training? Was it because you got busted when they checked the register?


Try GENIUS next time pal.