Saturday, August 04, 2007

More sit and gos.

Profit: $13

The sit and go quest continues although I feel to have flatlined a little. The last 30 or so sit and gos have yielded just $10 worth of profit. I've found myself still winning enough tourneys to keep my money graphs going up but I've also been bubbling quite a bit with thirds and fourths.

I just don't seem to be reading the situations right. For example I was fractional chip leader with about 2,500 chips. The table seemed to have gone into tight mode and the blinds were beginning to get big so I decided to switch gears and raise pot with KJoff. One caller and flop is Q7x. He checks to me and I put in bet of just under pot. He re-raises me all in. At this point I hate my hand but there's 2,000 in the pot it's 300 to call and I still have 1,200 left and so on and so on. I hated my hand - even less when he showed KQ.

I'm not for one minute saying I played that hand well or was unlucky or anything like, it was just a horrible situation which I seemed to dig myself into and I keep doing it. I've also had issues with not having enough chips when it gets 3/4 handed and I find myself gambling with hands I don't really like.

Again, though, it's nothing to get worried about. After all I'm still making a profit and feels practically impossible to have days where I can lose anymore than $10 (at the current stakes). I wouldn't say it's feeling like a grind at the moment, I think I just need to mix things up and play some multi-table tournaments. I'd like to find some cheap six handed ones but I haven't seen any yet. Also, I'm used to cashing often and MTTs usually don't work like that (no cashes.... big win).

Anyway... we'll see.

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