Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's been terrible

Loss: $17

After that long-winded post on (whenever it was) I thought my luck was going to change. Unfortanately it's got even worse over the last three of four days.

I have played a lot of poker in these past few days and I've suffered a large number of two and three outers. And I've had barely any games where I've got above my starting stack.

But these are all old and often repeated stories now. Suffice to say it's been going very badly, at one point I hadn't won a sit and go in 27 attempts. I don't think I've ever gone on a run like that before.

I've tried to make changes, one of which was to change my avatar on Full Tilt from a smily fish to a hard-nosed dog. That didn't work obviously. Of course, the other suggestion when things aren't going your way is to try a different game or site. Well I tried a different site (bodog) and got even more outraged on there. I was flopping monster everywhere and winning the hands, the only problem was I wasn't in the hands because I kept getting disconnected. You wouldn't believe how annoying it is to hold AJ with a flop of AJX with someone reraising you and there's nothing you can do. Even though that was happening I came away only a dollar down.

In summary poker is shit at the moment and has been for the past month.

As T-100 said just before he was lowered into the steel: "I need a vacation."

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