Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A game in detail

I'm just anting up for a sit and go now so I'm going to run through all the hands I play and try to analyse where I'm going right and where I'm going wrong. Please, chime in if you want. Table is 6 handed normal on FTP.

13.25: First hand, 72off. Nice easy decision.

13.27: KQ suited, raise to 80 (15/30) blinds. utg+1. Two callers. Flop is AJX with one spade. I might make a stab at this if there is only one other player. I'm drawing to four outs I would reckon (10) or runner runner spade for the flush. I check and guy bets pots (270). Easy fold.

13.29: A7off in sb. Min raised followed by called means (for 45 more chips) I would like to see the flop and maybe catch a monster. Nothing comes on flop and the same guy who bet pot last time does it again. I make note of it while folding. 1345 chips

13.33: Have 89o on button. Would raise but the BB is microstacked with 150 chips and I suspect he might just go all in if I raise. I call instead and he does go all in. I fold. 1315 chips

13.35: Blinds now moved up and the above three remain the only hands I've played. Earlier micro stack has had quads, flush and full house in three successive hands to go from 200 chips to 2400 chips

13.36: KQo on button. Raise to 120 and get reraised to 440 by aggressive guy to my left. He has lots of chips and for me to call it would take my stack down to 800 with 800 in the pot. I'm basically putting my tournament on the line out of position to a big stack if I call. I fold. 1100 chips. And again I feel short stacked and I haven't even played a hand yet.

13.38: Limp in with A4 and the flop comes AK4. I bet 100 into 120 pot and take it down. 1210 chips.

13.40: Aggressive guy to my left has been eliminated. We are down to four players. Stacks at 4.3k, 2.5k, 1.2k (me) and 900. Blinds 25/50. Fast game.

13.44 With the blinds now at 30/60 and me only having 1.1k. I feel I have one raise and bet move. After that I'm all in.

13.45: K2 on K78 board. Short stack bets pot which seems like a pot milking bet. I think about reraising but just can't do it. 865 chips - now the short stack on the table.

13.47: AA in sb. Pot raise called. K22 board. I think about checking but if he has a K he's going to put me all in whether I bet or check. I bet about 250 into 300 pot and take it down. 1,000 chips.

13.50: KJ. Call min raise by other short stack. Flop is 1024 all diamonds - my K is a diamond. He min bets (120) so I shove for about 850. I figure I'm in good shape against anything other than the diamond Ace. He folds. 1200 chips.

13.55: 88. I pot raise two limpers and take the pot. 1300 chips.

13.56: Blinds now at 50/100 with the table still roughly the same in terms of stacks. I raise pot with AQs and win uncontested.

13.57: 55 utg. I think about raising but don't want to have to call an all in. Instead I call and see a flop of K54 with everyone in it. I bet 300 into 400 pot. Nobody calls.

13.59: AKs on button. Raise it, am reraised. With 1k left I could fold but I don't reckon I'm going to get a better spot so I push. He calls with KQ. Board is 7J9105 which gives him a straight.

I'm out in forth having never been able to get above my starting stack and being unlucky when I get all my money in.

I don't think I could have commented on a better game to sum up how things are at the moment.


gniz said...

Despite your ongoing bouts with variance, and treading water, you are in the top 5% of poker players in the world--you actually win more than you lose.

I have no doubt that if you keep at it, you will eventually make some decent scratch at this game.


gniz said...

My 5% stat comes from the commonly asserted statement that only something in the range of 5-7% of players have won money playing internet poker.
Most people think its probably even less than 5 when you factor in those who just win a small amount or dont play consistently, etc.
So despite the fact that you dont win A TON of money, you arent losing either--and thats a huge accomplishment.

Rob Wilson said...

Interesting point you make, Gniz and I'm going to talk about that soon in a blog.

Thanks for reading.