Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bloggements, leagues, suckouts and badbeats. But no change in the banrkroll

Loss: $4

I've been doing slightly better in sit and gos although my overall bankroll remains pretty static. I've had some good results (turning 500 chips on 40/80 blinds into a victory) and some bad results (calling with top pair, top kickers when occasionally frustrated).

Silly things keep happening too. I've just had a 44 on a 7274 board walk into 72off which is nice and I had AK lose to AK (off suit that flushed for him). But I've also cracked higher pocket pairs and got lucky in hands, only to not cash anyway. Flopping sets only for the board to bring utter shite on the turn and river has been common and my short stack aggression is still running into guys with better kickers or top pair compared to my middle pair.

Most frustrating of all, however, is never having a large stack. I honestly can't remember the last time I had 2,500 chips during a tournament unless it's during heads up or three way when the blinds make it a crap shoot anyway. I've tried getting a little more creative recently and playing more hands and more aggressively but it's not really done me any harm or done my any good. I still can't get chips and I end up having to make a play with AK or 88 when the blinds are 50/100 and I have 900 left. After a raise I'm committed to the hand really and I usually brick out or they hit. Essentially I'm not really playing poker at the moment. I'm just sitting in a game for 20 minutes and then going all in.

In my first 80 games on the sit and go trail I made $100 exactly. In the preceding 90 games I've made $3. I think lesser players would have got pissed off, played in higher stakes games and blown half their bankroll. Me? I waiting until my fortunes turn around and I start playing better poker.

Beyond the main story, I played in a couple of the Raise the River Tournaments over the weekend. I went out without a whimper in the Friday night one (didn't get any cards and lost a couple of races) but caused a lot of fireworks in the Bloggerment on Sunday.

Earlier on my AA nailed Burnley Mik's KKs - another victory for the white rose of Yorkshire - and then, after some pretty good play to add another 1000 to my stack my QQs ran into AAs and turned into quads. Were my fortunes about to change?

I get AK

I think it's raised and I reraise and get called.

Flop is AKX

I bet about pot, reraised all in and I call. He shows KK.

At the time I was second in chips and he was the only other guy on the table who could cripple me.

After that I still had time to double up and bust out with some premium hands.

My font will turn green again with double digits. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done in the bloggerment. The AK vs KK was pretty horrific to see. No way either of you are folding on that flop. Just wait till this weekend though... revenge will be sweet and the red rose will return to the top! ;o)