Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A bad week (more swearing)

Loss: $14.50

I've had a really boring week with poker and I feel as though I'm running out of steam after the great run I had at the start of the month with the new strategy. These days (and for the last two weeks in general) it's a real struggle. I think I might have been catching cards when I first started playing very passively and waiting for sets, straights and flushes to hit.

Today for example I played about 300 hands. I hit one set which I had to fold because two people flopped straights, no straights (that I can remember) and maybe two flushes (one of which got out flushed on the river). In fact, it's been a whole week of shitty stuff. I've had at least two flopped full houses beaten by the river and my AAs went stupid again. I went all in preflop and got called by K10 and, un-fucking-believably, Q4 (the guy had just lost a huge pot in the last hand) and they both ended up with trips. Those two cracked AAs lost me about $15.

So I would be level without them, but I'm still not happy with the way I'm playing. I'm getting bored too often and I start to play hands I shouldn't - I went all the way with QQs after a bet, raise, re-raise, re-raise all in today. I should have known that I was, at best, in a coin flip, but I called the all in because I wanted some action and, sure enough, the villain showed the rockets. I switched back a couple of times to play the normal firing bullets routine with made hands (such as AQ flopping top pair) and I still get called down and outdrawn even when I overbet the pot.

It's probably not as bad as it sounds. It can't be, I'm only $14 down. But it just feels crap at the moment. My combined bankroll is still a healthy $350+ with a further $200(ish) I've recently withdrawn and wondering whether to invest in a new site. But I'm not making money on the microstakes and after 18 months of playing the game I feel as though I should be.

I think I should either take a break (I've played far too much poker this month when I should have been getting uni work done) or move back to sit and gos for a change.

1 comment:

gniz said...

RAKE--i've heard it said that beating the rake substantially at the micros is tough.

you ARE beating them though.

Maybe its time to take a shot here and there...and try to get up to the next level.