Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well, those profits lasted long.

$18 Loss

Unsurprisingly the gains I made over the last couple of days have disappeared thanks to the site that is rapidly becoming my poker nemesis. 888 did this to me in a session this morning.

1. AQ, rasied. Flop A10X. I bet, get reraised. I push, he calls with A10.

Ok, so the bad move there was pushing when he raised, I admit. But to have him dominated pre-flop and then allow me to hit top pair but give him two pair is just wrong in my book. AK I can accept but that's just cruel. So I busted out there.

2. A7, raise it. Hit top pair on A96 rainbow board, make a pot bet. Hit two pair with a 7 on the turn, make a 2/3 pot bet. River comes a 5. Exactly the same opponent who got my money before with the A 10 checks. I bet for value 3/5 pot and he minimum raises. I have to call. He rivered a straight with 78 - he was up and down on the flop. I had him dominated again before the flop and crushing him until the river.

This makes me furious. I'd rebought feeling confident and dominated the table for 15 minutes (with some good cards I admit) and got up to about $17 so I was only $3 down fror the session. The A7 was the last hand I was going to play before I quit. So I get top pair, then two pair and I still get outdrawn. And again I call when I'm behind when he reraises. I am now steaming and feel as though I have to quit. I do quit the cash room but am in a sit and go so have to finish that.

3. In the sit and go. Get AQ utg. Call a raise, flop is 10 7 6 I think. He bets 150 into a 400 pot. I call and spike an A on the turn. He bets 150 again so I raise to 500. He goes all in and I call. He flips over AK.

So this time I was dominated and I was so angry from the previous hands that maybe this was a slightly tilted call. Although again I'm unlucky to get a big piece of the board and find my opponent out kicking my queen.

The theme here again is that I continue to call/push when I'm behind but it always seems to happen when I've already made an aggressive play or put a lot into the pot when I'm ahead. Hands 1 and 2 definitely prove that, hand 3 was just a kind of icing on the cake hand.

I'm very tempted to stop counting my 888 rooms in my profit/loss accounts. All right, it might be because I keep losing money in them but when I play in the other accounts I seem to do OK and I'll stress again that this 888 money is bonus money that I still can't get to. The bonus began at $50 and I currently have $90 in the account so I'm still in some form of profit. Maybe I should just count it as a profit when I'm able to draw out what's left in the account. If there's anything left of course.

I think I'll try again on Full Tilt later and see how that goes. For now I definitely need to cool off.

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