Saturday, January 06, 2007

The kick in the teeth I didn't need.

Ring Account: $96 (down $25)

I'd worked myself up to $32 from $25 and then found myself with QQ. Raised to $2, it was rerasied to $5 so I reraised $15. He went all in. I was worried now but he limped in UTG so to play AA or KKs there would have been very silly. I called (this was for all my money - $62 pot). He showed AK. He hit a K on the river.

I'm really gutted because I'd been getting rubbish hands again and was playing a patient game. I suppose, in analysis, I maybe should not have called his all in, but half my money was in at that point with the third best hand in holdem.

So the recovery of this week has been wiped out by this setback. Very annoying.


gniz said...

You were still a favorite in that hand, so in essence, if you repeated that maneuver (calling the AK all in with QQ) you would be making a profitable play over time.

Its going to sometimes not pan out, but i think you should feel good that you made the right call.

The good players make those calls over and over again and deal with the inevitable swings.

Good luck!

Amatay said...

nice blog. although i think the QQ is an easy lay down there myself.

Rob Wilson said...


Can you explain your reasoning behind it being an easy laydown. I'm not saying you're wrong, just want to know your thought process. Mine was:

1. Half my money was already in when he went all in so I was getting 3:1 to call. (So even if I'm crushed with AA or KK I've got a 4:1 chance (that's if he has either of those two hands).

2. He'd limped in under the gun. The table was either 5 or 6 handed so I made an educated guess that he wouldn't have AA or KK. Slowplaying before the flop with those two hands UTG is just crazy in my opinion - it turned to be the right guess.

The alternative, which I've thought about was calling his $5 re-raise instead of reraising him. The flop was something like 323. But if he'd made a massive bet on the flop I might have folded thinking he did have AA or KK.

Rob Wilson said...


Thanks for the comments. You were right in that I was still a favourite when the cards were shown but should I have called the all in? I was looking for either JJ or AK, but even AK was giving me a coin flip.

The problem seems to be at the moment that my hands are doing ok when I've not got a lot of money in the pot. I played in a $50 cash room a couple of days ago, had AK and called a big raise. Flop was AA6 and I got all the other guy's money, but he only had $8. I just seem to be losing the big hands at the moment.

gniz said...

Well, you may be getting unlucky right now. Aside from pokertracker stats, the best way i know of to determine where you're at is just to make note of how often you're getting all the money in while you're ahead.
If you consistently get the money in while ahead, you're probably beating the game even if you are getting sucked out on or losing some coinflip type hands.
As for losing big pots and winning small ones, that may come down to how you're choosing to bet your hands. Perhaps people are picking up on your big hands and folding due to predictable betting patterns?
Again, this all could be shortterm luck.
Post some of your hands over at the 2+2 Forums. Some of the advice is shit, but the small stakes no limit forums generally have some good players willing to help.

Take care.

Gambler said...

any chance of adding me just started a blogg this year playing low stakes at the minute but should be updating regularly -

enjoyed reading your blogg. keep it up and good luck at the tables.