Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Merry X-mas to all... except my poker.

SnG Account: $265 (down $46)
Ring Account: $122 (down $5)

I'm going through a crisis at the moment. Following on from my Friday post I played a bit more and admittedly tilted off some more money. In a couple of SnGs I called all ins with AK and AQ which I never do and in a cash room (on my SnG account) I flopped two pair, made two pot sized bets. Flush draw hit on the river and the guy went all in for his last $5. I called. I think they term that a calling station.

I had two days off and came back to it today but I really feel lacking in confidence now. I played a bit of cash room on 888, wasn't getting anywhere so I tried a 6-handed $13. I folded K10 early on when I could have limped and that hand turned into quads which got inside my head a bit. I played iffly up to three handed play when I was short stack and had to force the issue with 66. Big stack called with KQ and hit trip.

I don't think I've played horribly today but my mind is not right and it was probably my defeatist attitude that led me to bubble.

I dunno what to do now. Have a break over Christmas or try and play my way back into form. Either way it's been a horrible week after the massive pot I won on Monday and I hope I can return to form soon.

Have a good Christmas everyone. I'm looking forward to having a bash on my new Nintendo Wii.

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