Friday, December 22, 2006

Being man enough to admit you've had a stinker.

SnG Account: $311 (up $14)
Ring Account: $127 (down $41)

Not so happy day today. While my SnG sessions always seem to take care of themselves, two recent ring games sessions have been disastrous. In one I was down $15 and in the other I wiped out my buy in of $25. Essentially all the money I won in that big pot on Monday has gone. I feel rotten about it.

What makes it even worse if that it's all my own doing. Now suckouts just bad calls followed by tilt.

Today, for example, I was up about $8 playing tight poker. Then I decided to play some moves with top pairs and average kickers. I did this twice. Once I was out kicked K9 to K10 (even after I put in some biggish bets he still called). On the second one he drew out his straight on the river - I can't quite remember if I was giving him the right price to call. The real killer hand, however was when I had A6, made two pair by the turn and bet $3 on the river. The guy raised to $9. He'd already called two pot-sized bets already so I should have put him in trips or a straight. I called and sure enough he had flopped a straight. His 75o big blind had flopped 346. I limped with A6 utg so I only have myself to blame.

With about $7 left after that I just tried chasing cards to go all in. Obviously this was the tilt playing and not me. To kill me off I had JJ, went all in, had three callers. The flop was AKQ. lol
One guy showed KQ to take the remnants of my buy in.

I need to go back to basics with my cash room poker. I'm playing far too loosely after the flop and I've been making some silly calls with mediocre hands before the flop because I've been card dead of late. If the cards don't come I should leave the room $3-4 down, not $25 by trying silly moves that I don't understand yet.

1 comment:

Dave said...

nice blog,pleasure to read another low stakes player.