Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Looking for that change in fortunes. But not today.

Ring Account: $114 (down $8)

I get KK, raise it to 4x BB. Two callers. Flop is 1094. One guy goes all in for half my stack. Bearing in mind he'd done it the previous hand I call putting him on a draw or top pair. The other person calls to for his last $0.40. All in guy shows J10 (the other shows AQ), a perfect read. A Jack comes on the river.

Next hand, I get AK, raise to 4x BB again. The same guy calls. Flop is A104. I bet pot and he calls. The turn brings a third rag spade out. I bet most of what I have left (which is maybe about pot or just over. He re-raised what I have left and I have to call. He shows J3 spades.

I may be wrong, and please leave comments if you think I am, but I can't think what I did wrong at all then. Just some guy who got lucky on me twice (I think if I'd have gone all in with AK he would have called it anyway with the flush draw and the type of player he seemed to be).

It's only been a 30 minute session but I've decided to quit now because I'm sure those two hands would have affected any other decision making if I'd played on. For the last three sessions everything has gone wrong. The cards have got me into some very difficult situations recently. I call when I'm ahead and lose, and when I'm behind and I know I am I call anyway because I'm pot comitted. I've been playing poker for a year and this is the first time things seemed to have gone against for a prolonged period of time. My bankroll is down about 20-25% now.


gniz said...

Hey actually it sounds like you're handling your losses fairly well...you've been playing for a year, it makes sense you might hit a bad patch.

On 2+2 recently, people have been talking about how the downswings that once were thought impossible (such as downswings greater than 500bb in limit) are actually becoming almost routine.

So, put it in perspective. Maybe your play has gone off a bit, but if you can retain emotional control and not just go totally nuts, you'll eventually get out of this rut.

Good luck!

Rob Wilson said...

Thanks for the comments.

Yeah, I'm down about $100 at the moment during this week of a bad swing (about 20%) of my bankroll. I would say about 30% has been tilt - that one pre x-mas session), 20% not playing well and 40% bad run of cards. Not suckouts as such, just hands that keep falling apart when I'm pot committed.

I think it's quite easy to maintain emotional control because I'm playing with peanuts. If the stakes were higher then maybe I would be in a lot worse shape. I've also already drawn out about $400 in profit over the first year so I'm happy in the knowledge that poker cannot ruin me unless I go bust and put more money in. Hopefully fortunes will have changed long before then :)