Saturday, October 21, 2006

So long goldfish, both real and not so real.

Account: $383 Profit: $8

My first real post is a sad one. It has nothing to do with a runner-runner bad beat or some calling station hitting his bloody card on the river (although that has happened today), this a post struck by personal sadness. My 20 year old goldfish (Fred) died this week after, what I hope, was a short illness. He meant a lot to me and I'll never forget him. He saw me through primary school, secondary school, college and university. He was there for my graduation, he was there when I passed my driving test. And now he's gone. Bye Fred, I'll never forget you.

So it's time for me to move on as well, in a metaphorical sense. I no longer want to be the goldfish of poker. I'm tired of being re-raised out of pots and I'm tired of lacking that aggressive, ruthless streak every poker player needs. I've said goodbye to my goldfish, you boys are about to say goodbye to yours: me.

$8 up already, not a bad start on that promise at least!

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