Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's the technology that makes me tilt!

Poker Account: $380 Loss: $4

I was playing a game at a friend's house today when the mouse I was using suddenly failed on me. It wouldn’t move and it wouldn’t click and I had no idea what the keyboard controls were; there might not even be any keyboard controls. I couldn’t check, bet or raise so I was forced to Auto Fold until I could sort out the problem. Fortunately the blinds were only 10/20 at this point and so I had plenty of time to get things sorted.

And sort it I did. Managed to lose half my chips in a hand soon after and then, just as the mouse began to fail the ladies turned up. Argh, the mouse failed. Somehow I managed to sort it again just in time to toss in my remaining 400 chips. Two callers came in with me and I tripled up to 1, 300. Nice. But I still had the problem of a broken mouse. After another 10 minutes of effort I decided to restart the computer and hope that would fix it. It came back to life and success, it worked. Logged back into my account and found I was still in the game with a healthy number of chips. First hand back? A K os. Superb, I thought, at least I haven’t missed anything.

Someone went all in with around 500 chips. I called naturally, but so did someone else behind me. Flop gave me nothing but I was pot committed so I stuck the rest in hoping I might outkick the other player. He called and showed QQ. Bugger.

Typically the turn was a Q and I hit my Ace on the river. Out I go – on the bubble as it turned out.

So I ask myself did I do anything wrong there? Was it a typical hand where I couldn’t surrender A K after a flop or was I just worried about the mouse breaking down again? Either way I must remember two things. Don’t overplay A K, JUST because it’s A K, and don’t play poker at my mate’s house.

Later on, back at my gaff, I went out first hand in one game when I flopped two pair but allowed my opponent to hit a straight on the river and I stupidly called. In another game I won so it puts me about level for the day. My brother had a quick game on one of my accounts and lost which is way I’m down. The cretin!

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