Sunday, May 25, 2008

Playing instead of blogging...

Profit: $22

...because I can't sit around wallowing in my own misery. Just have to put Wednesday's indiscretion behind me and move on, and I did.

On Friday I got a letter through the post from Party Poker offering me ten free dollars. I decided to use that on Friday as a cleansing experience. I can't be arsed trying to earn XX points to make the money actually mine these days, so I plonked the $10 on a 25nl game and lost it within the space of 30 minutes. That didn't concern me though, it wasn't part of the bankroll and I just needed to be reminded of how important it is not to play recklessly with my own proper bankroll - in terms of over aggressive shoving play I mean, not bankroll management.

So I returned to proper play on Saturday evening with some five/six table action on ipoker. I usually four table but I wanted to see how I would do playing a shorter but more intense session. There was no downtime between hands, I had to keep an eye on every table.

Within an hour I had made back my $30 loss from Wednesday. I can't confess to playing awesome poker or anything like that, the deck simply smashed me in the face pre and post flop. I got pocket Queens six times, although, oddly enough, that was one of the hands I didn't do well with.

When I was $30 up I had this hand. I 3bet to $1.50 an initial raise of 40c. Original raiser calls. Flop is 6310 (not sure of suits). He checks, I bet $2 into $3 pot, he min-raises so I fold after not much thought. Right decision or wrong decision? Razor thin because if you look to the last blog I had a similar thing with jacks only I shoved and the villian ended up with kings.

I decided to quit soon after with a $22 profit. Not got all of Wednesday's loss back but the session made me feel a bit better about myself.

Also staking Everton Yorkie at the moment from Raise the River. He's a micro-limit player and I sported him $12 for some MTT. He came second in his second tourney for a $13 score. I'm freerolling now!

And finally, check out my podcast if you want to.

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