Tuesday, October 09, 2007

It's been going well.... except for today

Profit: $20-30 (?)

Again the figures are close to a complete guess because I've not been logging my results as I should do. I have set up poker tracker on my macbook, though, so when I get enough figures I'll start posting them.

The figures were looking very good until today. I would say that for the last week I've been crushing the cash room tables using my new tight/aggressive style. I don't think I had any more red-hot decks but I have been getting maximum value from my hands most of the time.

What I've been learning most over the past week is using a raise as a defensive move. For example, I might raise with top pair no kicker or a draw because, if the player calls I often get to see the river for free. That way I get two chances at my draw and I can put my opponent on a hand if he checks the turn.

So everything was going great until today, sadly. I can't really describe one thing in particular, everything went wrong. It started with this hand.


For some reason I just convinced myself someone had an overset. I guess by folding I thought I was trying to showoff a huge laydown to myself. Instead I just looked stupid - to myself of course, no one saw what I had. I know this sounds arrogant but I guess my thinking was just above the table. I honestly thought one of them had me utterly crushed.

From then on it was terrible.


Again I was over thinking this one. Why would he go all in without knowing what action I was going to take on the flop? He got excited and pushed. My reason for calling? I thought he might have a pair with an open-ender or/and a flush draw. This isn't a bad beat hand and it can't really be a cooler because the opponent gave me all the info I needed with his push.

I had loads of these finicky hands (not quite as extreme as that) where I was getting check raised or people were calling the flop and then pushing/big betting the turn. I never got anything better than a pair (when the pots were worth contesting) so I had to fold, fold, fold.

Looking back on my stats the most amount of money I lost in a single hand was $5 in a 25NL. I wasn't getting stacked, I wasn't getting my money in bad, I wasn't getting sucked out on (much, AA, KK and KK got cracked for $3ish a time), I just wasn't getting the right cards or the right situations. I've never known a time where I've played ok and not tilted yet lost so much. I lost $30 which was really frustrating.

Despite that, I've had a good couple of weeks and I'm pleased with my game generally. At least I lost money making laydowns rather than bad calls and bad beats.

The important thing is to react to this in a positive manner during my next couple of sessions.


gniz said...

You are clearly playing better overall. Keep it coming and dont get discouraged!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the poker is improving mate.

Where is the referral? I am still waiting for it to arrive via email!!!