Thursday, September 27, 2007

Six weeks of bad beats followed by 15 hands of awesomeness...

Profit: $20

In the space of 15 hands I had JJ, AA, KK, 99 turn into quads, and 9 10 flop a straight. Obviously with cards like that you're going to make money and I did. I was playing in a cash room so I was able to maximise the profit because people simply didn't believe I was on such a rush of cards. Neither did I.

After making $16 from those hands I still found time to get smashed over the head with a bad beat. With AJ on a flop of Jx10x I got all of a short-stack's money in. He called off half of what he had left on the turn with K10. Obviously a 10 on the river. I lost about $5 on that hand.

Sit and gos have been going well, today at least. With my tight aggressive play I know exactly where I am in every hand. Case in point. Raise with KQ and get one caller. I am in position on every street so with a board of QXX with three spades I fire on the flop and turn and get called both times. I know he has the nut flush draw and I get him to put half his stack in when a spade rolls off on the river. He checks to me. Does he think I'm an idiot or something? I check and of course he has the Ace of spades, five of clubs.

I'm feel like I am playing close to my A game and today I've recovered all of yesterday's bad beats. That's part of the problem though; I'm always having to recover rather than take strides forward.

Just want to give a shout out to gniz whose comments I appreciate and welcome on my blog. You're right about the variance and I take solace from the fact that, so far, my variance has resulted in a flatline, rather than a downswing.

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