Thursday, July 12, 2007

Signing off cash rooms...

Loss: $37

I tried again to make some headway in cash rooms last night and ended up getting smashed.

The first three hands summed it up really.

I got AA very first hand and went all in (as I always do because I hate playing them after the flop) and everyone folded. Fine.

Next hand I folded 89 off. I seriously considered calling (there might have been a small raise I can't remember. I was in the SB though so position probably put me off calling. Flop came J10Q. A lot of money went into the pot with someone eventually showing AK. I would have gone broke for sure.

Next hand my A4 suited flopped a flush into a limped pot of 3/4 players and I got absolutely nothing for it.

After that it was a haze of general shitness. One table was mega loose. Players coming over the top of me all the time on continuation bets. I was so looking forward to actually flopping something but I literally never did once. In another room my preflop AAs got cracked by a short stack's JJs.

I was down about $15 or so at this point when this hand killed me completely.

The combination of factors that saw me go bust on this hand were that: this pieree fella had been a complete maniac and had already busted himself with Q2 or some shit that gave him a pair or an inside straight draw; I'd got sick and tired of people coming over the top of me and this raggedy two pair represented the best hand I'd had in well over an hour; I was most likely on tilt by then.

And the final point is what is leading me to quit cash rooms for a while. My confidence is low, the cards are doing crazy shit and the grinding play and mentality that I've developed over the past few months has screwed with my game.

Before I do anything else I'm going to have a break from poker. I feel tilty even writing this so the felt isn't a place I should be. And when I do return (most likely next week) I'm going to play some cheap sit and gos and maybe a few MTT. When I was playing sngs exclusively I was making a similar amount to cash rooms anyway.

My bankroll is still healthy but in this last week I've lost about $70 which is huge considering the stakes I play at.

So I guess I'll see you when I see you.

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