Friday, October 27, 2006

Suckout.... #1

I've decided to record my most memorable hands in terms of surreal outcomes. Suckouts will represent events in my favour, bad beats are, well, you get the picture. So here's my first suckout, at least I'm starting on the positive end of the thing that makes poker what it is.

The Blinds were up to 100 with 6 players let and I got KJos. I was under the gun so I decided to just call and see what happened on the flop. Four callers entered the pot and the flop came KJ10. With a dangerous board I decided the pot was already juicy enough and so I went all in with my last 1,000 chips. I knew, barring trips, I was ahead and only silly-billy drawers would call. Two people called. The first caller was ok, he had AK, but the second caller showed Q9 - a clear indication that I should have raised with the KJ in the first place to prevent the button man getting pot odds and then flopping the nuts with a weakish holding.

So it was a three way all in with me in very serious trouble... until the Jack came on the turn to give me a full house. A three-outer (since one other player had a King) with two cards to come. I'll give that a 5/10 for outrageousness I think.

I went on to get third place afterall I went all in twice with KQ and A7 and was dominated in both hands.

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